We took strategic adjustment of the economic structure as the main task of shifting the growth model, and raised the quality, expanded the scope and bolstered the momentum of development. 我们把经济结构战略性调整作为转变发展方式的主攻方向,提高了发展质量,拓展了发展空间,增强了发展后劲。
The search and rescue teams ( SAR) have expanded the scope beyond the flight path to the West Peninsular of Malaysia at the Straits of Malacca. 搜索和救援队目前已经将搜索范围扩大到飞行道以外位于马六甲海峡的西海岸。
The United States arbitrarily expanded the scope of trusteeship to include Diaoyu Dao, which is China's territory, and later returned the power of administration over Diaoyu Dao to Japan. This has no legal basis and is totally invalid according to international law. 美国擅自扩大托管范围,非法将中国领土钓鱼岛纳入其中,后将钓鱼岛施政权归还日本,都没有任何法律依据,在国际法上没有任何效力。
The US expanded the scope of its air strikes in Iraq on Monday when it came to the aid of Iraqi forces fighting Isis southwest of Baghdad. 美国在本周一扩大在伊拉克空袭的范围,帮助伊拉克部队迎击巴格达西南方向的ISIS武装力量。
Moreover, law schools today have expanded the scope of doctrinal instruction to new fields including environmental law, intellectual property, and international law. 再者,当今的法学院已经扩展了新领域(部门)法学理论的讲授范围,包括环境法,知识产权法和国际法。
New "Company Law" has expanded the scope of share repurchases, and will permit expansion of the existing two exceptions to the four, so that means that mode have a broader room for this. 新《公司法》扩大了股份回购的适用范围,将原有的两种例外许可扩张为四种,使这一资本运营手段有了更广阔的施展空间。
The United States government not only dominated the settlement of the crisis, it also expanded the scope of Monroe Doctrine and established its hegemony status in ameirca. 美国政府不仅主导了危机的解决,而且通过所谓调解争端进一步扩展了门罗主义的范围,确立了自己在美洲的霸权地位。
Lately we expanded our scope of business to better serve our Far East Asian customers, Chinese customers in particular. 近来我们扩大了业务范围来更好地为远东亚洲客户服务,特别是中国客户。
Thailand also has expanded the scope of its tests and asked traders to avoid importing fruits and vegetables from Japan's Honshu island. 泰国也已经扩大了检测的范围并且请求商人避免从日本的本州岛进口蔬菜和水果。
Study on the Expanded Scope of the Yangtze Delta Region Based on the Function of Economic Polarized Area 从极化区的功能探讨长江三角洲的扩展范围
In the past few years, the departments of justice have appropriately expanded the scope for sentence suspension according to law. 近年来,中国司法机关依法适当扩大缓刑适用范围。对于累犯,不适用缓刑。
In a series of concessions that expanded the scope and generosity of the relief, the Treasury created a system that was "one of the most favourable capital gains tax regimes in the industrialised world". 通过扩大减免范围和幅度的一系列税收减免措施,英国财政部创建出了“工业化国家最优惠资本利得税之一”的税收体制。
For continuation of history, Ten Chronicles expanded the scope of records and preserved sufficient material. 通古今的十志扩大了记事范围,保存了丰富的内容。
The new code expanded the scope and definition of financial transactions not covered by bankruptcy rules to include credit default swaps and mortgage repurchase agreements. 新破产法扩大了金融交易的范围和定义,添加了破产法以前没有涵盖的信用违约互换和抵押贷款回购协议。
In 1996, our country abolished the system of exemption from prosecution in the amended Criminal Procedure Law, expanded the scope of nol pros decision, and established the prosecutors 'discretionary power to nol pros decision in some cases. 1996年,我国修改后的刑事诉讼法废除了免予起诉制度,扩大了不起诉的范围,确立了检察官在一定条件下对案件做出酌定不起诉的权力。
The development in the research on the Vocabulary of the book in the1990s displayed the expanded scope of the subject-matter, the perfect substance, the scientific methods and the kinds of values. 九十年代专书词汇研究的进展,表现在题材范围扩大、内容的完备化、方法的科学化、价值的多元化四方面。
Implemented since 2008, "Labor Contract Law" greatly expanded scope of the non-fixed term labor contract in order to protect workers. 2008年开始实施的《劳动合同法》极大扩展了无固定期限劳动合同的适用范围以期保护劳动者和维护劳动关系的稳定。
Rely on digital technology in contemporary film posters, as well as network technology platform, has greatly expanded its scope and depth of its worldwide spread of the spread of the speed and depth, are in the third technological revolution, can not be achieved previously. 当代电影海报依靠数字技术以及网络技术的平台,已经大大的拓展了其影响范围和深度,其在世界范围内的传播速度和传播深度,都是在第三次技术革命以前无法达到的。
It aslo adopted triple feed and balance-conversion structure, which expanded the scope of the forming. 采用三缸进给及平衡相互转换结构,扩大了成形范围。
The establishment and improvement of carbon trading market enable enterprise to assume responsibility for the social environment. It is also expanded the scope of corporate social responsibility. 碳交易市场的逐步建立与完善,使企业承担起了对社会环境的责任,这拓展了企业社会责任的范围。
In this case, the United States expanded the scope of judicial review, took the Government of almost all administrative acts into the scope of judicial review of the list. The conduct can not be reviewed must be excluded by rigorously demonstrated. 在这种情况下美国进一步扩大了司法审查的范围,将政府的几乎所有的行政行为纳入到司法审查范围之列,不能审查的行为必须经过严格论证才能排除在外。
Algorithm greatly enhanced the recognition rate of the algorithm, expanded the scope of application of the algorithm, solved the problem of the narrow scope of a single algorithm application and the problem of the low recognition rate of special circumstances. 实验证明,融合的识别参数较高,大大提高了算法识别率,也扩大了算法的适用范围,解决了单一算法适用范围较窄,对特殊情况识别率低的问题。
Meanwhile, the types of visualization technology are also increasing and it also expanded the scope of applications. 与此同时,可视化技术种类也日益增多,且它的应用范围也不断扩大。
Norris case, marks the punitive damages produced in the United States, swift and violent development, the system of punitive damages in the United States increasingly expanded the scope of legal application. 在1784年,在Genayv.Norris的案子,标志着美国的惩罚性赔偿产生了,惩罚性赔偿制度在美国迅猛的发展,法律适用的范围愈来愈扩大了。
Not only has added an admissibility means of business, but also expanded the scope of the admissibility of telecommunications business, improved service levels, saved the users 'time and tolls for handling business to the entity business hall, which is a great convenience to users. 不仅新增了一条业务受理途径,而且扩大了电信业务受理范围,提高了服务水平,节省了用户上门办理业务的时间和路费,极大的方便了广大用户。
Although the civil law theory of communication security obligations and common law duty of care is similar between the relationship between abstract and concrete, but both have expanded the scope is not as tort liability, the expansion as a source of obligations. 虽然大陆法系的交往安全义务理论与英美法系的注意义务之间类似于抽象与具体的关系,但二者都扩大了不作为侵权责任的范围,扩张了作为义务的来源。
For this purpose, a group of junior high beginning teachers and a group of their instructors were interviewed in this research from four dimensions of professional development on an expanded scope of listening and exploration. 为此,研究从专业发展的四个维度展开对初中初任语文教师及其指导教师两个群体的访谈,扩大倾听和探寻的范围。
Its emergence has not only changed and renewed the channel of human communication, but also consequently expanded the scope of language and linguistic research, especially discourse analysis. 它的出现不仅改变和更新了人们的交流渠道和方式,而且也扩大了语言学,特别是语篇分析的研究范围。
The emergence and development of Bluetooth technology has greatly promoted and expanded the scope of application of wireless communication, so that various data and voice network, and convenient way through the interconnected within the region to achieve a fast and flexible personal data and voice communications. 蓝牙技术的出现和发展极大地推动和扩大了无线通信的应用范围,使网络中各种数据和语音可以通过及其便捷的方式实现互联互通,实现了个人区域内快速灵活的数据和语音通信。
The large demand and high quality for paper promoted the improvement of the document carrier, heightened replication rate of the literary documents and expanded the scope of the literary documents spread. 士族对纸的大量需求以及对其品质的要求,促进了文献载体的改进,提高了文献复制的速率,扩大了文献传播的范围。